The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.

With the internet and social media allowing journalists to instantly publish articles, updates, tweets and posts, it's never been easier for a journalist to report in a timely manner while still on location. With the ability to be immediate, comes the race to be first.
         There are many examples of how the race to be first can lead to a lapse in the application of journalistic rigour. Respected media outlets have time and time again shot themselves in the foot by reporting stories that have not been properly vetted. There is more to be aware of than just errors in reporting. I believe that we are seeing instances of biased reporting much more clearly now that so many articles are published without the benefit of being properly evaluated for journalistic standards; or in the case of the 2018 Winter Olympics, common sense.
          It's no secret that many consider Trump to be a reprehensible individual... or why they feel that way. He is the president of the United States at a time when the country seems the most divided it's been in modern times. Trump makes a point to enrage his enemies, and his enemies are numerous. In their fight against all things Trump, they seem to think that anyone who stands against Trump is a friend. Which is how we get an abundance of praise coming from western media towards North Korea, the least free nation on earth, governed by a murderous dictator.
          Cnn tweeted that Kim Yo Jong, a delegate of North Korea, and sister of Kim Jong Un, "stealing the show" at the winter Olympics. A headline in the New York Times read: "Kim Jong un's Siter Turns On the Charm, Taking Pence's Spotlight." Similar refrains were offered by the likes of The Washington Post, ABC News, and more.
          Regardless of how you feel about Trump, it is patently insane to cozy up with a dictatorship that regularly commits crimes against the humanity of its own citizens. The atrocities committed by the North Korean have been well documented by The U.N. and should not be forgotten, not even if it means scoring a few digs at the current administration.


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